Live Fire Training in Rialto, California

Client Toys "R" Us
Completed March 2015
Timeframe Same Day
Location Rialto, California
Fire training is available anywhere in our service area. Here we had a live-fire training course at Toys R’ Us distribution center in Rialto, California. Each department was divided into groups of 10 to 20 and instructed on how to properly put out a fire. Employees were instructed on the proper use of fire extinguishers. They were also educated on where the extinguishers are located and what to look for. After the completion of the course, each employee was certified and given a certificate of completion. The training course usually lasts about 30 minutes. Having your staff certified may also qualify your business for special discounted insurance rates. Check with your insurance carrier to see if you qualify.
This is what is included in our live-fire training class:
- A 15-20 minute board lecture on the different classifications of fire extinguishers, familiarize them with chemical types and uses. We will explain how and when to use an extinguisher. ENGLISH and BILINGUAL instructors available. Manual operation of an extinguisher will also be demonstrated.
- Pamphlets will be provided at the onset of the lecture for ready reference throughout the class and for future review.
- A live-fire demonstration will be provided in a contained environment using a fuel and water mixture. (Note- Customer Must notify local fire department prior to start of live fire training class)
- Each participant will have the opportunity for “hands-on” extinguishing of the fire.
- Classes are limited to 30 participants to ensure the safety of all.
- “Hands-on” live-fire training will run approximately 90 minutes.
- A certification will be provided for your office at the end of class. (extra certificates available upon request for an additional charge)